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Daphnia Experiment 

bacteria culture

bacteria culture

These test tubes contain the bacteria that I decided to place in the environment of the Daphnia to see of they would survive - B. subtilis - P. vulgaris - K. pneumonia

Multi cell well plate

Multi cell well plate

In this cell plate, there were around 5 Daphnia in each well, where each contained a different bacteria



To conduct the experiment, I choose small Daphnia since they were little because I thought it would be easier to track their growth and progress. This is an image of the Daphnia before being exposed to bacteria

The experiment 

In this video, the development and process of the experiment is showed. Here I am using a pipet tool to make bacteria cultures from bacteria samples that had been sitting for a long period of time. By doing so, i was able to create fresher samples that I could add to my multi cell well plate with the Daphnia, to see the effects the bacteria ha on their survival and growth rate. 

Purpose of the Experiment 

Daphnia magna are small planktonic crustacean water fleas that belong to Cladoceran, which is the order of the phylum Arthropoda. They are used in research to study functions such as heart rate and respiratory systems. For my experiment, i chose to test the effect of bacteria on Daphnia in relation to growth and survival rate as well as notice the change in their organs. Previous studies have noticed that when Daphnia are exposed to certain bacterias they grow in size. In this experiment, I test various bacterias that we get exposed to, to determine the effects they have on the survival rate of Daphnia and growth. 


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